









夏天Zilisch ' 26主修双学位 神经科学心理学,辅修 化学. She loves the range of opportunities that Carthage has offered her, whether they are 研究性的 或者校园里的社交活动. Her involvement has allowed for her to make new friends 和 grow on a personal 和 academic level. 



“I chose Carthage because of its exceptional academic programs, 支持社区, 以及促进增长的承诺. The College’s reputation for personalized education aligns perfectly with my aspiration to excel as a double major/minor student.” 

夏天Zilisch, 1926年


“Carthage’s strong emphasis on research 和 experiential learning opportunities resonated with my desire to immerse myself in h和s-on scientific exploration. The inclusive 和 collaborative environment empowers me to continue my passion for helping others 和 making a meaningful impact on campus 和 beyond.”


“The Carthage faculty have played an instrumental role in shaping both my academic journey 和 personal growth. Their expertise, guidance, 和 unwavering support have been invaluable. The relationships I’ve built with faculty members have opened doors to research opportunities, 指导, 对我选择的领域有了更深入的了解. These connections have not only exp和ed my knowledge, but also provided me with a net工作 of mentors who genuinely care about my success. Their encouragement has empowered me to pursue ambitious goals 和 to balance academic pursuits with extracurricular activities, 工作, 和志愿服务. Carthage’s faculty truly exemplify dedication to students’ growth 和 development, 和 I’m grateful for their ongoing impact on my life 和 career.”


“My favorite class at Carthage has been my Introduction to 妇女与性别研究 class. While my major is in science, this class has profoundly impacted my perspective. The engaging discussions 和 thought-provoking content have opened my eyes to important societal issues 和 fostered a deeper underst和ing of gender dynamics. It’s been a valuable experience that has enriched my academic journey 和 exp和ed my horizons beyond my science-focused studies.”


“My toughest class at Carthage so far has been in 生物学. The subject matter is complex 和 requires a deep underst和ing of intricate processes within living organisms. However, the challenge has been incredibly rewarding. 通过努力工作, 毅力, 还有我的教授和同学们的支持, I’ve overcome the difficulties 和 developed a strong foundation in 生物学.”


“I had the incredible opportunity to complete a three-month internship at the Laboratory of Genetics 和 Genomics through the National Institute of Health 和 the National Institute of Aging at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, 马里兰. 在实习期间, I conducted research on the impact of starvation-induced ribosome collisions in HeLa cells. This experience allowed me to apply my scientific knowledge in a real-world setting, 工作ing with cutting-edge technology 和 collaborating with experts in the field. It solidified my passion for research 和 provided invaluable insights into the intricate world of genetics 和 genomics.”


“After graduating from Carthage, I want to pursue a dual MD/Ph.D. program, integrating my passion for medicine with my love for research. I envision myself contributing to cutting-edge medical advancements 和 bridging the gap between scientific discoveries 和 patient care. 最终, I aspire to become a physician-scientist dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes 和 addressing health disparities. I plan to continue volunteering in my community 和 spreading kindness wherever possible! 我们生活在这样一个美丽的世界!”


“Without a doubt, one of my favorite spots on campus is the spacious room in the 大卫. Starz,小. Center. It’s a cozy haven where you can relax on the comfortable mats lining the stairs. This inviting space has become my go-to spot to unwind after classes, 与朋友聚聚, 研究, 享受一顿饭, 给我的设备充电, 只是沉浸在校园氛围中.”


“My time at Carthage has been filled with unforgettable moments that have truly shaped my college experience. Whether it’s the lively bingo nights hosted by the College, taking a refreshing swim in the 风景优美的湖, or the tradition of staying up late during finals to enjoy a midnight breakfast, each of these moments has added a unique 和 special touch to my time here. However, what truly st和s out are the friendships I’ve forged along the way. Meeting my closest friends at Carthage has been a defining part of my journey, 还有我们一起的冒险, from buying flights to Colorado during fall break to sleepovers 和 movie nights, 让我的大学生活与众不同吗.”


“Students should recognize the endless possibilities it offers for underst和ing 和 transforming the world around us. My advice for fellow students is to embrace the challenges 和 opportunities of a multidisciplinary approach, as it opens doors to innovation 和 empowers you to contribute positively to society. 也, 记住你的奉献, 时间管理, 和 seeking support when needed are key to thriving in a rigorous academic journey.”